The key for optimal progression. 3 hours lessions with ratio of 1 coach / 6 riders. Some formulas will be offered for 12 people with 2 instructors. Effective and fun, these half-days are focused on YOUR progress.
Price : 155$
(taxes and transaction fees non-included)
Includes Free Session ticket for days when a session is scheduled directly after the class
* 12 to 17 years old must be accompanied by an adult

Increase your fluidity and efficiency.
Content : Maintain a good attack position, pumping terrain to accelerate and integrate the key elements of cornering.

Made for : Those who wish to make sure they have proper technical foundations to optimise their progression on the long run. Critical elements to master before starting or pushing jumps progression !

Learn to actively manage direction changes.
Content : Implementation of advanced techniques of dynamic turns. Get proper acceleration on the exit and more G-force.

Made for : Those who are in control and already master the FLOW course elements. You want to master the complexe ingredients needed to increase your cornering at a advance/expert level, this course is for you.

Perfect your technique on all types of jumps.
Content : Learn to negotiate gaps, aeral changes in direction, and last minute adjustments.

Made for : Those who are already at ease clearing 10 ft + jumps and wish to develop great reflexes, analysis and techniques to send gap jumps of all kind with confidence.
*AIR course recommended